The Deadly Mountain Revenge

Invincible Abdullah the Deadly Mountain Revenge
Book 1 of 4 in the Invincible Abdullah series. When Abdullah travels from England to visit his cousin Hasan in Pakistan during summer break, there is more than just a friendly family visit in store. A luggage switch at the airport, a half million dollars in smuggled cash and an unexpected fight in the bazaar lead the boys into some of the wildest territory in the highest mountains in the world. Armed tribal conflict is the result. Abdullah's knowledge of karate and Hasan's quick wits as well as the strength and courage of their companions, Gul Muhammad and Abd al-Haqq are sorely tested. That test becomes a life and death struggle against the elements and the evil of men.
  • Virtue
    Is this the way I want my child to think and act?
    Ratings are based on how much a book extols Islamic morality and espouses classical ideals.
  • Language
    Is this the way I want my child to speak?
    Ratings are based on a book's vocabulary, cadence, and overall eloquence suited to age level.
  • Story
    Does this story resonate with my child?
    Ratings are based on the integrity of plot structure, the depth of characters, the palpability of the book's conflict and resolution, and the lure of its setting.
  • Beauty
    Does this book develop my child's ability to recognize beauty?
    Ratings are based on aesthetics, linguistic beauty, poignancy, and how well a book embodies ihsan—harmonizing excellence.
Mindful Muslim Review

Mindful Muslim Reader recommends Books 1-4 in this series.

Ages: ,
Illustrator: Abd Al-Hayy Moore
Publisher: American Trust Publications
Published: 1992
ISBN13: 9780892591213
*This review applies only to ISBN number noted above.

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